
Jun 30, 2020


stop is a small puzzle platformer made for a game jam.

This game hits sort of the same tropes and style I've seen of other minimalist-ish platforming games: you are a square in a world of few colors, solving levels (with idiosyncratic names that are mostly mouth noises: "Huh?" "Ohh" "Woosh") that are one screen in size that explore a single concept. Aesthetically, stop has a clean presentation with a remarkable amount of polish, with very pretty trails as objects move, objects bursting as they collide, although what sound is present can be a little grating.

Unfortunately, by the time I was really getting into it, the game ended - it didn't have enough time to really overlap and expand on the basics. Understandable - there's only so much time in a game jam, and what's present is very slick. Still, this feels like the kind of game that'd benefit a lot from creating and sharing levels, if the developer feels that ambitious some day.

I enjoyed it. stop is a good game.